1 Edwin Van der Sar

Edwin van der Sar is 37 years old and he plays as a goalkeeper for Manchester United in the number 1 jersey. He was born in Voorhout on the 29th October 1970, and is 1.97 metres tall and weighs 84 kilograms. In his career until today, he has played for four profe sional teams: Ajax Margus Hunt Jersey , Juventus, Fulham and Man Utd. In the past seas

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Will Phil Nevilles absence halt Evertons European charge

If one man could write a book on how to manage a Premier Joe Reed Jersey League club on a limited budget whilst coping with injuries, that man would be David Moyes.Not a season pa ses by where the Everton manager isnt forced to make the best from an injury deprived squad. Only a couple of months ago, Moyes ledtheteamto an impre sive 5th place leagu

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